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Create a E2Pdf Template

Create a E2Pdf Template

All the magic starts with a E2Pdf Template. Learn how to use the integrated PDF document creator and editor for WordPress. In this step-by-step tutorial we create a PDF certificate from a blank document. At the end you'll have the option to map the form fields to an extension.

Interactive Video WalkthroughFormidable Forms to PDF

Interactive Video Walkthrough
Formidable Forms to PDF

A complete interactive walkthrough video detailing the creation of a Formidable Forms to E2Pdf template from a blank PDF, an uploaded PDF, and an auto-generated PDF. Watch how to configure the template settings and use E2Pdf shortcodes to view, download and attach the dynamic PDF.

Interactive Video WalkthroughCreate a Template in E2Pdf

Interactive Video Walkthrough
Create a Template in E2Pdf

A complete interactive walkthrough video detailing the creation of a E2Pdf template from a blank PDF, uploaded PDF, or auto-generated PDF certificate. Then, you may select an extension to map to the certificate. Options include Caldera Forms, Divi Contact Form, Gravity Forms, Formidable Forms, Forminator, WooCommerce, or WordPress Pages and Posts.

Send Formidable Forms to a PDF Certificate

Send Formidable Forms to a PDF Certificate

Map PDF form fields to a web form created with Formidable Forms in WordPress. These instructions may be used with the free and paid versions of Formidable Forms, however, the Formidable Forms Signature Field is a paid add-on. Alternatively, E2Pdf includes an e-signature field.

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